Property management in
Duluth, MN

Own a rental property in Duluth?

We’ll find you great tenants fast!

We specialize in managing single family homes and small multi-family apartment property management.

Looking for a home or apartment in Duluth, Minnesota?

We pre-lease many of our properties in advance, so we always have a few that will be coming available. Check one out today!

Duluth is full of heirlooms and we're here to keep it that way.

At Heirloom, we offer a wide selection of apartments, condos, townhomes, duplexes, and single-family homes to rent throughout Duluth and the greater Twin Ports area. We partner with property owners to provide tenants with a smooth and stress-free rental experience.

If you're ready to learn about all that Heirloom has to offer - let's connect.

Give us a call
