Property management in
Superior, WI

Own a rental property in Superior?

We can find you great tenants fast!

We specialize in managing single family homes and small multi-family apartment properties.

Looking for a home or apartment in Superior, Wisconsin?

We pre-lease many of our properties in advance, so we always have a few that will be coming available. Check one out today!

Superior is full of heirlooms
and we're here to keep it that way.

Superior, WI is the county seat of Douglas County and has a variety of rentals to choose from. At Heirloom, we offer a wide selection of apartments, condos, townhomes, duplexes and single-family homes to rent throughout the Superior  and greater Twin Ports area. We partners our property owners to provide tenants with a stress-free rental process.

Learn how your property can be taken care of.

Give us a call
